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IAM Mega-Trends for 2022
With infrastructure high on the global agenda, we remain committed to helping governments, investors, asset owners, operators, and managers maximize value from assets. To ensure the IAM remains on the right strategic path, the Board and Council recently cataloged the top mega-trends impacting the..
Read in FullNorman Eason - IAM Founding President - Obituary
It is with the greatest regret that we announce, with sadness, the death of our founding President, Norman Eason, Life FIAM, on 24th February 2022, aged 81.
Read in FullClimate Emergency Action Planning: Guidance for asset owning organisations – Farsi Translation
Our latest guidance demonstrates how the existing approach to developing and implementing Asset Management Strategies and Plans can be enhanced to address the climate challenges and encourages organisations..
Read in FullIAM DE: Discuss & Dine - Alternativformat für die Jahreskonferenz war ein voller Erfolg
Am Donnerstag, dem 12. November 2020, fand die Jahresveranstaltung des IAM DE statt. Corona-bedingt haben wir dies in diesem Jahr virtuell im Format „Discuss & Dine“ mit über 40 Teilnehmern durchgeführt.
Read in FullClimate Emergency Action Planning: Guidance for asset owning organisations
The scale of the climate and environment challenge we face is recognised by most organisations, but how do we tackle the challenge of developing robust action plans in asset management? Read our latest guidance, which demonstrates how the existing approach to developing and implementing Asset Manage
Read in FullImplementing and Improving a Management System for Asset Management - Guidance released
The IAM is proud to announce the release of our latest guidance document - Implementing and Improving a Management System for Asset Management
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